Pet Laser Therapy Dubuque IA

Laser Therapy

Pet Laser Therapy Services in Dubuque, IA

Just like humans benefit from the use of lasers in their health care treatment, so too, can pets. Colonial Terrace Animal Hospital uses lasers as part of their treatment to help them heal faster and live more comfortably. It’s a holistic, non-invasive, efficient way to treat many different conditions.

The laser beam used stimulates your pet’s cells and tissues. This can reduce inflammation due to injuries or because of chronic conditions like arthritis. This is a painless process that, at most, will cause a slight tingling as the treatment occurs.

Customized Treatment for Your Pet

The veterinarians at Colonial Terrace will develop a treatment plan based on your pet’s specific ailment. Often each treatment will take between two and ten minutes. The number of treatments will vary with each pet, but often you’ll see a noticeable difference in their behavior after just three or four visits.

Among the disorders that can be treated include:

  • Acute and Chronic Otitis
  • Intervertebral Disc Disease
  • Anal Glands
  • Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease
  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Cranial Cruciate Ligament
  • Chronic Pain and Inflammation
  • Degenerative Joint Disease
  • Dermatological Disorders and Hot Spots
  • Arthritis and Lick Granulomas

Is Laser Treatment Guaranteed

Unfortunately, we are not able to guarantee the results for every pet we treat. Laser therapy, however, has been proven to be useful in both clinical studies and rehab settings for both humans and animals. There are over 30 years of research which supports the use of this holistic treatment. The veterinarians at Colonial Terrace will only recommend the use of laser therapy when we think it will benefit your pet.

Contact Us

Contact us to see if laser therapy is right for your pet. We can’t wait to help you and your pet!