Customer Service Representative
Education: AA in Human Services
How long have you worked here: April of 2005
Why did you choose to work in the veterinary industry?
I grew up with cats and dogs all my life. Animals have a way of providing comfort and unconditional love that helps people through the good times and the bad times. I am proud to be part of a clinic that provides gentle and loving care to our patients (who become a part of “our” family as well)
Tell us about your animals:
Gizmo – is a 12-year-old Flame Point Siamese who was adopted from a farm as a 6-week old kitten, who has grown into a longer/taller cat than most.
Cosmo- is a 12-year-old Ragdoll. I believe he has OCD, he is fun to watch chasing his shadow on the bed, stalks the other cats, and has a fetish for chewing on plastic of any sort.
Tabby – is about 8 years old. He showed up in the backyard all skin and bones. It took several months before he would let us pet him when he ate. Long story short, he is now strictly indoors and demands attention!
Fun facts:
I love destination “unknown” adventures – taking off in the car and traveling on new roads just to see what sights I can find.
My kids and grandchildren mean the world to me. I have been known to travel 3 hours for a 30-second race by one of my grandkids!